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lundi 21 juillet 2008

King George's Six Maxims

Voici les six conseils que le roi George Ier conservait affichés sur le mur de son étude, et Apollon au-dessus de sa baignoire. Ce sont des conseils dont les wikipédiens feraient bien de prendre connaissance et d'appliquer, moi compris :
  • Teach me to be obedient to the rules of the game ;
  • Teach me to distinguish between sentiment and sentimentality - admiring the one and despising the other ;
  • Teach me neither to proffer nor to receive cheap praise ;
  • If I am called upon to suffer let me be like a well-bred beast that goes away to suffer in silence ;
  • Teach me to win if I may ; If I may not win, then, above all, teach me to be a good loser ;
  • Teach me neither to cry for the moon nor over spilt milk.

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